Dave, DTS PLumbing GeelongDTS Plumbing director David Strode started his plumbing business in Melbourne in 2000 and since relocating in 2008 has continued to grow the business into a thriving company of professional plumbers in Geelong.

David was only 15 when he started his plumbing apprenticeship but even then had a goal to run his own business. He completed his plumbing apprenticeship in country Victoria, moved to Melbourne and established DTS Plumbing. Two decades later he has a team of professional plumbers working for him in a busy, vibrant business and loves the job as much today as the day he first started.

With four staff members, including a mature-age apprentice, DTS Plumbing has become the plumber Geelong and district can rely on for a range of plumbing service and maintenance work, including drainage, hot water systems, heating, roofing and guttering, gas fitting, commercial plumbing, strata and body corporate work and plumbing for real estate agents. Importantly, DTS Plumbing provides a 24-hour plumbing service to Geelong and ensures an emergency plumber is always on call, day or night. Having invested heavily in specialised drain cleaning equipment and state-of-the-art plumbing tools in recent years, DTS Plumbing has the expertise and equipment to handle a wide range of plumbing work. Read what the plumber’s happy clients have to say about the service.

As the DTS Plumbing director, David Strode has the following licence accreditation and registration accreditation:

Licence accreditation

  • Drainage
  • Fire protection – hydrants and hose reels
  • Gasfitting
  • Gasfitting – caravans, recreational vehicles and mobile homes
  • Gasfitting – disconnect/reconnect
  • Gasfitting – type A appliances
  • Irrigation (non-agricultural)
  • Mechanical services – duct fixing
  • Roofing (stormwater)
  • Roofing (stormwater) – class 10A buildings
  • Sanitary
  • Type A appliance servicing work
  • Water supply
  • Water supply – domestic hot water services

Registration accreditation

  • Mechanical services
  • Mechanical services – single head split systems
  • Mechanical services – solid fuel heaters
  • Refrigerated air-conditioning – basic systems

David Strode has developed a close group within the DTS Plumbing team and his plumbers pride themselves on their high level of workmanship and customer satisfaction. DTS wants its customers to be confident the job has been done and it’s been done right.

Contact DTS Plumbing to find out more about its plumbing services or book the services of its Geelong plumbers for prompt and professional service.